Welcome in the Netherlands

How to get off to a flying start!

Coming to work in the Netherlands is quite a step and it is one you don’t take lightly! You have to think it all over, decide and then prepare for it. It would be a shame if you regretted the choice you made. In order to make things easier for you below you can read what we expect from you and which qualifications will give you a flying start in the Netherlands!

This is what we expect from you

  • You are motivated and you are eager to go to work
  • You are available and you are flexible during the duration of your contract.
  • You are thorough and take responsibility for your actions
  • Upon arrival in the Netherlands you want to start working immediately

These are pro’s if you have these

  • A driving license (category B)
  • Work experience in similar jobs and it’s work environments.
  • References and certificates which show you are capable
  • Basic knowledge of the English, German or Dutch language.
  • a declaration of good behaviour (VOG)

You can expect the following from us

  • Assistance in obtaining a BSN number (Burger Service Nummer)
  • A good salary in euro’s
  • Health insurance
  • A temporal work contract
  • an amount of free holidays and holiday pay
  • Weekly splitting of worked hours and expenses
  • Payment of your salary on a weekly basis
  • Accommodation
  • Transportation from and to your working place
  • Help from a contactperson in the language that suits you best (english, polish)

Welcome in the Netherlands!

You see: we do everything in our power to make everything as good and easy as possible. We help you with all the administrative things, we provide you with a nice accommodations and the most important: we give you a nice job!

Questions? Contact us!

If you have questions don’t hesitate and call us or mail us!

Contact us!

Send us your CV!

We like to get to know you, what your talents are and see if there is a match!

Send us your CV