Looking for a job?

Come work for us in the Netherlands!

Come work for us in the southern part of the Netherlands! In the South of Netherland there are more than enough opportunities for motivated people from different EU-countries, like Poland, Romania en Latvia. Do you want to build up your future in the South of Netherland? We look forward to help you with that. We have the contacts, help you with housing, arrange transportation and take care of all the paper work like BSN number etc. You can also follow schooling and training with us. And Flexipool pays good money, always more than WML.

Our job vacancies

On this page you will find an overview of all available vacancies. When you don’t find a suitable vacancy for you, please contact us or come back later because every day there will be new one’s. Or leave your data or CV on this page, and we will contact you as soon as we have something suitable for you.

How does it work?

Working in the Netherlands, we as Flexipool make it easily possible for you. We know exactly what is needed from A to Z.

What do you need?

You decide of course not easily to go for a job in the Netherlands. It is big step and something you have to prepare for as good as possible. But you are not alone! Flexipool will help you and takes care of a lot of paperwork and practical issues like housing, etc, so you can make a good start.

The rules

Working together with Flexipool means you can use all of our services on housing, transportation and social security. However, there also are rules when you work for and with us. We like to make clear agreements about that with you!

Questions? Contact us!

If you have questions don’t hesitate and call us or mail us!

Contact us!

Send us your CV!

We like to get to know you, what your talents are and see if there is a match!

Send us your CV