As a modern and fast-growing employment agency with almost 25 years of experience, more than 600 employees and own offices in e.g. Netherlands, Poland, Latvia and Romania, we are more than happy to service you. With us you find more than enough very motivated employees, for temporary completion of your production- as well as your management functions.
What do we do different?
Different from all other temporary agencies, more than 50% of our people have a fixt contract. The advantage for you is that we can guarantee a longer stay from our people in your company. Also our years of experience will contribute to a successful completion of difficult functions within your organization. We like to talk to you personally to make a perfect match and a professional execution of our corporation.
Everything taken care of
Our business processes are optimal and very efficiently organized. That is why we can be competitive and pay our people very well. We find this very important with our aim for a long term corporation. With our internally developed software can we get data from your time registration system. In this way we can guarantee a successful admirative process without mistakes.
This is Flexipool
- One single point of contact, short communication lines
- Motivated people
- Transportation, housing and applicable paperwork done by us
- Efficient internal processes, no mistakes in invoicing
- Focus on food industry
- Offering of different levels: production people, production leaders, quality managers
- Logistic functions: like forklift drivers, ept and stackers etc.
- Technical functions: welders, machine maintenance
- Fully NEN- and SNA-certificated
We like to get in contact with you!
Are you looking for well-motivated employees, for a carefree fill of your vacancies? We like to get in contact with you about our possibilities. Contact us today for a personal acquaintance.